Getting sick is the kind of trouble that can strike at anytime and at any place you happen to be. Falling ill is an unfortunate episode when traveling. It doesn’t always occur so it’s a mystery when it does happen. This article discusses normal stomach problems, such as diarrhea and food poisoning, not the more serious kind (for example, malaria, dengue, yellow fever, hepatitis, and so on).
In most instances, sickness abroad has to do with contaminated food. Perhaps the chef at that quaint, out-of-the-way restaurant you checked out didn’t wash his hands when he tossed your salad, or maybe the food just wasn’t cooked properly.
The old travel adage, ‘boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it!’ also applies in the Caribbean. Keep an eye out for those cold salads, ice cubes in drinks, and raw food, hand-made ice creams, and buffet warnings, because really, they aren’t called ‘warnings’ just to look pretty.
Don’t allow this kind of thing worry you too much. Don’t be overly paranoid about food poisoning. It’s probably not going to happen to you anyway, but it’s best if you know how to safeguard yourself. Over-the-counter drugs will likely work well for you and as for dehydration, sports drinks are much easier to drink than water and will replace the electrolytes you have lost.
As for bottled water, they are normally available in the whole region. If you’ve decided to spend most of your time on a Caribbean beach, you will most likely have no problems finding bottled water. However, if you want to go mountain trekking or go hiking in remote areas, be sure to take iodine pills (not even chlorine) with you to put in your water. Chlorine simply can’t perform the way iodine can with those really nasty bugs.
Some of the most common illnesses you may get while on a vacation in the Caribbean include: diarrhea, insect bites, colds, flu’s, dehydration, constipation, skin irritations, and sore throats.
Diarrhea is easy to control with over-the-counter medicines. Alternatively, you could simply wait it out and let whatever got into your digestive tract flush itself out. Make sure to drink lots of water to avoid dehydration and try eating apples sliced very thin and leaving them until they turn brown. The bacteria related to diarrhea and other symptoms usually expire after 36 hours. If the symptoms grow worse in your case, consult a doctor.
Dehydration is the reason you feel so weak during a bout of diarrhea. You can take salt sachets for dehydration to solve the problem and/or drink plenty of liquids. If you need to eat, stick to boiled potatoes, dry biscuits, and rice.
The frequency of constipation is rather not common, considering how many travelers anticipate diarrhea instead. Again, drink lots of water, eat fruit, and keep some natural laxatives at hand. Coffee and herbal tea may also help.
Colds, flu’s, and sore throats are usual after long rides on an airplane. They can also easily flare up in the Caribbean’s damp weather. You might also develop skin irritations somewhere in your Caribbean vacation, either due to something you ate, certain elements in the air, or all those exotic plants surrounding you. However, those skin irritations can be easily dealt with hydrocortisone cream or other travel sized remedies. If they get really painful, you can try anti-histamine tablets.
Tagged with: family tour • sea sickness
Filed under: Family Vacation